Heidi Finniff, Vice President Commercial Banking
Announcements, Cokie's BlogRun with Your Heart and Not Just Your Legs! Heidi Finniff is a member of our Advisory Board, a financial professional and…
Quitters WIN!
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayAre you a quitter? 2 weeks ago one of my favorite Perfect Day devotees quit. “I’m not retiring. I’m quitting,” she said…
Birthdays and Football
Monthly NewsletterFirst, I’m grateful to be in your “inbox.” Thank you! Second, I encourage you to find real ways each day to show…
From Bonjour! to Goat Cheese…to WHY Women!
Cokie's BlogIt was 2014- my girls, ages 9 and 10 at the time, and I decided we wanted to learn to speak French,…
Unintended Consequences: Very Good Things!
Cokie's BlogAs I thought about what Perfect Day message others needed from me today, I was driving to work in my 1984 Jeep…
Addressing Your Personal Dress Code
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayRecently, the topic of dress code at the “office” became a hot topic! Not to worry! The US Senate even took up…
Straight-line Depreciation or are you Appreciating?
Cokie's BlogAre you Appreciating or Depreciating? Not all wines get better with age! If we are honest, our bodies don’t either. So, what…
My Only Resolution!
Cokie's BlogNow that we are well into our way in January 2023, I want to ask: How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?…
The Night before Christmas
Cokie's BlogI will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. — Charles Dickens Are you exhausted yet!…
Managing Your Holidays with Perfect Day Style
Cokie's BlogI hope that many of you remember what 411 is all about! Recap: it’s about doing FOUR things before 11 am each…
It’s NOT about the Turkey!
Cokie's BlogWhile many of you sat down to have dinner with your family and friends yesterday or over the days to come, others…
Seven Lessons I have Learned from Climbing Mountains
Cokie's BlogI still find it hard to believe there are people, who have never climbed a mountain! But these words are coming from…
Are you Only Offering Crumbs?
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayI always know when my life has turned from me organizing my days to a point where my days are organizing ME!…
Hungry to be Liked?
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayIf this sounds like you, try this Perfect Day solution. Years ago, when I started Perfect Day, I was challenged by…
You Can Live a Stress Free Life!
Cokie's BlogFact: the secret to financial security is not always in having more money in the bank. Security of any kind is found…
Need a Nudge?
Cokie's BlogNudges Teach You How to Grow Your Potential The thought of “nudging others” in a right direction has been around for a…
Need More Perfect Days? Begin with Relationship
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedMost of us will admit that the last two or three years have been life changing and goal shifting! You may have…
My Challenge to You: Challenge Yourself!
Cokie's Blog“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Joseph Kennedy’s quote is true! It is not a political statement; it is…
Work: All Consuming? Change Your View!
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayYou know this story: a guy worth $20 million dies and someone who didn’t know exactly how much money he had asks,…
More Perfect Days
Cokie's BlogYears ago, I discovered the key to more perfect days was not having more but instead living well through the days you…
Simple Things that Make Hard Times Do-able
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work Day, UncategorizedIf you know me, you know that I have climbed five of the world’s tallest mountains. I have two more to go…
Learn to Be the Boss!
Cokie's BlogMore perfect days are what we all want, especially when we feel confused or a little hopeless. Usually, these are the very…
Be the Boss
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedA P’p’ppppuh-perfectly imperfect 411LIVE: Be the Boss of your brain, gut and wallet (your portfolio, even!). Tell your future self how great…
Get a Jump Ground Hog Day!
Cokie's BlogAfter our repeated January snows, ice (yes, it reached as far south as Charleston, SC), and bitter cold temperatures, most are probably…
Are you Punxsutawney-Phil’-In-It? Lets get a jump on Groundhog Day: Faith, Chopsaws and Global Entry.
Cokie's BlogHere’s this week’s 4 of 4-1-1 for more Perfect Days: How I spent my Money/“What Investors Need to Know. NOW (WINK)” (Financial):…
Rocket Man, Bono and Staying Hungry.
Cokie's BlogAre you HUNGRY? Like Bono of U2 hungry— 🎼‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for’🎼 hungry? Or are you scrambling because…
Perfect Day Story
Cokie's BlogI was recently in New York and attended a Broadway play about the six wives of Henry the 8th. Their lives ended…
Re-Write your Story. Write your Perfect Day.
Cokie's BlogLet’s do this; 411 LIVE 1/17/2022 Six, pholyphenols and GORUCK-get some Perfect Day juju and get the start to your year and…
2022 is about Less but building for More!
Cokie's BlogIt’s about “How I spent my money (Financial/WINK) — What Investors Need to Know. NOW. Imagine this: You’re three feet from gold…
UncategorizedToday’s 411 LIVE Theme is LESS! Found my way-love amongst the hating…a NEW year’s confession From the client’s mouth: “I had such…
I’m officially a “hater” UT OH
UncategorizedDONE with all the do-gooders who are grateful for their 2021? If I see one more person grateful for an Everest summit,…
Ditch the Resolution Plan!
Cokie's BlogMy Challenge to you is to transform your life. Focus on what you really want to be. “Permission Granted” — you can…
What Now?!
Cokie's Blog, Podcasts, UncategorizedLooks like we are back to MASKS! I realize that this is NOT an N-95 but it works to open my 411….
Are you brave?
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayListen UP! 411 LIVE can be found LIVE Noon, Mondays on Instagram: @cokieperfectday So, join us there—and also grab your 411 LIVE…
Have You Truly Given?
Cokie's BlogGiving! Do you practice it on a regular basis? When I say “giving” . . . as a part of a Perfect…
Always Thankful
Cokie's BlogFeeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it! William Arthur Ward First, I’m ever grateful…
Got Milk?
Cokie's Blog, Uncategorized‘…You’re my Quarterback. I don’t know how I’d do it without you….’ AW, Charleston, SC Here’s this week’s 4 of 4-1-1 for…
The Secret of Surprises!
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedSurprise! When’s the last time you heard those words? On your birthday, at Christmas, or yesterday? The secret about surprises is that…
What is Your Narrative?
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedRecently, I talked with my daughter as she wrote an essay for her entrance into college. It’s that time in life! My…
In Our World Today: What Frightens You the Most?
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayRecently, I read a blog post that asked readers the above question. As you can imagine, the answers were varied—from investment concerns…
Take that Much Needed Break
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayDo you ever feel like you are careening from one subpar day to the next? What do you do when your life…
Life Changes: Do You Know How Your Future Will Play Out? Discover your WHY.
Cokie's Blog, Monthly Newsletter, Perfect Day Work DayDo you have a vision for your future? Has your vision taken flight? The truth is, many don’t recognize that they DO…
A Perfect Day Retreat!
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work Day, UncategorizedCokie Berenyi Cox just finished tagging the top of the world’s tallest mountain—Mt. Everest. Now, she is ready to head to Canyon…
Independence through Opportunity: The American Experience
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayCelebrate! The 4th of July always brings to mind cookouts with friends, family and the oohs and aahs from late night fireworks….
More Perfect Days? Let’s Get Started
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work Day, UncategorizedGrowing up in South Carolina, I learned how to drive on what we called a “stick-shift.” Older but very cool trucks had…
Know Why You Are Here!
Cokie's Blog, Everyday EverestIt was summit day, and we were up before midnight to make the climb to the top of the world. I’ve saved…
An Amazing 3 day Retreat
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayJust Summited Mt. Everest—next up: Canyon Ranch! You can join me for an amazing three-day retreat at Canyon Ranch September 23-26, 2021!…
Coming Down is Much Harder
Cokie's Blog, Everyday Everest, UncategorizedI’m back—literally. Last week, I summited Mt. Everest—the tallest mountain in the world. Yesterday, I received a message from a woman I…
Summited Mt. Everest, May 23!
Cokie's Blog, Everyday EverestSummited and down! Beautiful day!!!! My GPS tracker failed on the way up because it got too cold. Sorry, if any of…
Waiting! A Good Thing
Cokie's Blog, Everyday Everest, Perfect Day Work DayAs I write this, the winds are howling outside my tent, and we are hunkered down at Everest Camp 3. I have…
Push for the Summit!
Cokie's Blog, Everyday EverestLots of news has been coming away from Mt. Everest. Despite some of the tragic situations, my team is now at Camp…
Live Your Own Perfect Day!
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work Day, UncategorizedAfter standing on the top of Mt. Everest, I’m NOT going to Disney World®. I’m going the Canyon Ranch (!), and I…
Being a Mom is my Perfect Day
Everyday Everest, Perfect Day Work DayMother’s Day is my favorite day, and this one is my first without my girls! Plus, I will be away from my…
What’s in the Details?
Cokie's Blog, Everyday Everest, UncategorizedDetails! On May 2 at 2 am, half of our team headed back through the Icefall to Camp I. The second rotation…
A NOT so Perfect Day!
Cokie's Blog, Everyday Everest, UncategorizedI’m back at Everest Base Camp; more about that later but right now . . . I want to reach back a…
We Made it to Camp 1 !
Cokie's Blog, Everyday EverestEarly yesterday morning my Everest team headed out on our first acclimatization rotation up the mountain. We left base camp about 2:00…
Pausing for a Second Day
Cokie's Blog, Everyday Everest, UncategorizedMy Perfect Day Clients and followers know what I mean when I say that imperfect days can be Perfect Days! Imperfection is…
Up and Back Again to EBC
Cokie's Blog, Everyday EverestHello from Everest Base Camp (EBC)! What an experience yesterday was!! Extreme in every way but there also was plenty to learn….
Yesterday was Puja Day
Cokie's Blog, Everyday Everest, UncategorizedYesterday was Puja Day—the day the Lama from Pengogoche (the oldest monastery in the world dating back to 16th century) came to…
Patience(!) at Everest Base Camp!
Cokie's Blog, Everyday Everest, UncategorizedHello from Everest Base Camp again! We’re here a little longer. Today was supposed to be the day we move on up…
Glacier Training
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedHello from Mt. Everest Base Camp! Day 3 was spent training on the glacier; more of the same to come. Ice climbing…
Location: Mt. Everest Basecamp!
Cokie's BlogThoughts and memories run through my head as I am at Basecamp now acclimating to the altitude before beginning the climb to…
Trekking toward Everest!
Cokie's BlogJoin me virtually on my summit journey! Hello from Pheriche, Nepal! It’s time to climb Mt. Everest! A few days ago, I stepped…
Your Perfect Day: A New Way!
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work Day, UncategorizedAs you read this, I will be stepping off the plane in Kathmandu, Napal, where I will prepare to climb Mt. Everest….
Are You Celebrating Life?
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work Day, UncategorizedAll of us need to celebrate life! I realize that last year was difficult and some of the people I have talked…
When It Comes to Your Money, Are You Adulting?
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedAdulting, how many of you actually do it, especially when it comes to your finances? It takes effort when money is involved….
Let the Mountain Humble You!
Cokie's BlogOne of my top sayings is “mountains lie.” They do! The mountains we face want to overwhelm us. But you can conquer…
Don’t Believe Everything You Think!
UncategorizedTip: Begin 2021 with a book that I have been reading: Tools of Titans By Tim Ferriss who has a basic premise…
What is Your ‘Hell Yes’?
Cokie's Blog, Monthly NewsletterBefore I give you my count down for the beginning of 2021, I have a confession: My Christmas tree is still up…
Change Your View for 2021!
Cokie's BlogKeep it real for 2021 and refuse to jump into the game of trying to make and keep resolutions that for the…
From My Heart to Yours
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedMerry Christmas! The presents have all been opened and the house is quiet and my thoughts turn to gratitude. Never focus on…
Redefining Success
Cokie's Blog, Monthly NewsletterRedefining Success? I think it’s time to redefine the way we view success, especially in light of this past year. Let me…
Master Your Productivity
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayHow are your days going? Too much nightly news, too much social media, and too much stress? When did you start feeling…
Mountains Lie!
Cokie's BlogIf there is one lesson that I have learned in life it is this: Mountains Lie! As an Alpine Mountain Climber, I…
In Control of Your Time? No?
Cokie's Blog, Monthly Newsletter, UncategorizedOur clocks have been turned back; but as I write this the election is still hanging in the balance, and Thanksgiving and…
Planning is everything!
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedAre you a planner, a sideline cheer leader, or a person who plans and reaches your goals? Your answer is crucial to…
What Are you Doing to Work more Efficiently?
Cokie's Blog, Perfect Day Work DayWhile Covid-19 continues its grasp on our country, my neighbor decided to organize her entire kitchen. Another decided to jump head-long into…
Values Reveal Who You Are!
Uncategorized“We are the happiest when we can see the evidence of our progress.” Darren Hardy Darren Hardy hits the mark for most…
A Place at the Table
UncategorizedThis is a Perfect Day newsletter and most of you know that years ago, I learned the basics of taking imperfect moments…
3 Essentials for Mother’s Day
UncategorizedMy mother lives nearby. That’s a wonderful thing! She’s more than a stabilizing factor in my life. She’s my rock. The fact…
Survival 101!
UncategorizedAre you just surviving or are you truly living? I hope you are living! You have every reason to look at this…
Let’s do this together!
Cokie's BlogReady to push the reset button? Let’s do it together! By now you have learned that Perfect Days are far from perfect!…
Make it a Perfect Day!
UncategorizedFor those who listen to my 411 Perfect Day podcasts , you know Perfect Days are far from perfect, especially in our…
Didn’t see this coming!
Cokie's Blog, Uncategorized“A beautiful thing is never perfect.” -Vern Tejas . . . and yet, it was . . . a Perfect Day. I…
What is Your Future Strategy?
Cokie's BlogToday, I write to you from my home, my family’s place—where we are all doing what we have been asked to do…
Covid-19: Time to Reprioritize
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedRetired teacher Kitty O’Meara’s poem And the people stayed home is being widely circulated, and there’s a reason for this. Though it…
Pivot for Prevention!
Announcements, Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedPivot for Prevention! By now, all of us have experienced a pivot in our lives. For days we have been captivated…
Catch Your Breath!
Cokie's BlogAs I continue to train to climb Mt. Everest in May, one of the things that I’m working on is learning how…
Mt. Everest is Calling Me!
UncategorizedMost of my friends, clients and associates know I rarely do things by halves. When I commit myself to something, I’m all…
Cancer Opens Many Doors
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedCancer opens many doors—one of the most important is the door to your heart. — Greg Anderson The quote above is absolutely…
What is Your Commader’s Intent?
Cokie's BlogWhat is your life goal, your mission statement, or your Commander’s Intent? What keeps you focused on doing what you know is…
Exercise: Your Secret Weapon!
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedToday, I’m in the middle of a training/exercise program that will prepare me for the climb of my life. Meanwhile, some of…
Let’s Open Doors Wide!
UncategorizedSome of you know that this May, I will climb Mt. Everest to raise money for cancer prevention and research. The far…
Your Perfect Day
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedA Day Away from Social Media! Many times, I begin my live 411 broadcasts on Facebook this way: “In a world of…
My Perfect Day: Climbing for a Cure!
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedMy Perfect Day: Climbing for a Cure! I wrote the following for almost 2 hours in a tent on Mt. Kilimanjaro this…
2020: Change Your World
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedYou can imagine how thinking about altitudes, heights, and risks taken for the sake of knowledge gained, is very interesting to me,…
Time for a New Beginning
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedHave you ever had what you thought was a perfect day? Most of us have. You think, “Yes. They are days when…
It’s not just about Money!
UncategorizedThis Christmas and holiday season, I want to encourage you to think outside of your normal box and find a way to…
What you want could be what you have right now!
Cokie's BlogChristmas News Flash! Happiness and satisfaction are not based on material possessions. They are based on the values you hold within and…
Tailored Living Made Perfect with Polly Epstein
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsYou know the feeling, a disorganized desk can make you personally feel disorganized at work. Same goes for your home! Polly Epstein,…
The Things We Are Most Thankful for—
Monthly NewsletterAs I write this to you, I’m reminded of all the opportunities I have been given in life. I’m grateful. When I…
A Life Well-Lived with Susan Pearlstine
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsSusan Pearlstine, powerful woman, entrepreneur, owner and founder of The BEND in Charleston, joins me on this edition of the #PerfectDay Podcast….
What is Your Stage?
Monthly NewsletterOdd question? It may seem like it is, but for thousands of people this is a question that hits home. They raise…
Investing in Perfect Days with John Osborne
PodcastsTalk about experience assets! Today’s #PerfectDay Podcast guest, John Osborne, has years of experience building and learning from other businesses and entrepreneurs….
Everyday Everest with Cokie Berenyi and Mary Delaney
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsIn a special edition of the #PerfectDay Podcast, the tables turn as I am interviewed, joined by Mary Delaney, Associate Director of…
Perfect Find, Perfect Style with Laurin Collar
PodcastsA woman out to achieve her dreams is a powerful being! Laurin Collar, mastermind behind The Collarfind, joins me to discuss finding…
How to Embrace Being Perfectly Imperfect with Kimberly Powell
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsYou’ve heard me say this quote many times: “No beautiful thing is perfect.” This edition of the Perfect Day podcast explores how…
Dedication Through Design with Kat Martin and Renee Smith
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsSubtle and Sass Boutique Co-Founders Kat Martin and Renee Smith join me on the Perfect Day podcast to share about their unique shop,…
Time for that Crucial Audit!
Cokie's BlogIndividual, business person or an entrepreneur a-like, you may know what it feels like to face an audit. Audits are checkups. They…
The Magic of Toys and Perfect Days with Christine Osborne
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsIt’s magic on the #PerfectDay Podcast! Christine Osborne, Owner of Wonder Works joins me to talk building and maintaining a successful brick…
Do You Know The Secret?
Cokie's BlogThe secret to financial security is not having more money in the bank. It’s in knowing how to control what you already have….
Is your “Virtual Hatrack” Empty? Too Many Hats? Take a Few Off!
Cokie's BlogYears ago, musical artist Amy Grant wrote a song entitled Hats! It is about a woman, who wears more hats than she…
Find Your Center: Fighting Cancer and Staying Healthy for More Perfect Days.
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsDr. Jessica Thaxton, Assistant Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) is out for the cure! She joins me on the Perfect Day Podcast…
Performance Measured is Performance Improved
Cokie's BlogFind your purpose in life and lean into the edge of it! Reach for your stars because you may actually grab one!…
What is Your Wakeup Call?
Cokie's BlogYears ago, I heard the old adage: if you want to get a person’s attention, touch his or her finances. It’s true….
No Ghost Tales Here: Keeping Spirits High with Katherine Frankstone of Grey Ghost Bakery
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsWhat are best practices to solving problems when there’s always a new one? Joining me on this episode of the Perfect Day…
What is Your Life Purpose?
Cokie's BlogEvery week, I talk with people who tell me they are not happy, feel overwhelmed, or out of touch with their real…
Your Perfect Day
Cokie's BlogBrené Brown writes, “I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m…
How to Bring More Color (and Balance!) Into Your Life with Liz Martin Cannonborough Collective
Cokie's Blog, Podcasts Work and life doesn’t have to suck. In fact – if you’re not having fun in your career or while running…
How Many Hats Do You Wear?
Cokie's BlogA couple of years ago, I had an imaginary closet full of hats! Some colorful, some shiny, some very attractive, and many…
What is Your Strategy for the Future?
Cokie's BlogLast week, we saw Tax Day come and go – uneventfully. Many of you wrote with concerns over the new tax laws…
Are You Selfish Enough?
Cokie's BlogI’m going to go out a limb and assume you have joined the masses that are now looking for ways to “feel”…
How Do You Cope?
Cokie's BlogI was recently on Instagram and typed this question into the search box. Some of the answers I read made sense while…
It’s Clearer on the Top!
Cokie's BlogPeople, who climb mountains know there is an energy and synergy that comes from reaching the top. Life seems clearer there. They…
Is the Sky Really Falling? No
Cokie's Blog, UncategorizedI remember talking with a friend years ago, who was totally sewed up in the stock market. He watched each tick of…
Do You Need a Quarterback? Most of us do.
Cokie's BlogRecently, I thought: What would a football game be like without a quarterback? Coaches would “call in” the plays, but would no one…
Are You Living an Abundant Life?
Cokie's BlogLast week, we remembered the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. One of the things that struck me about Dr….
Did Passion Bring You Here?
Cokie's BlogAre you passionate about your life, what you do each day, and about the future? Or do you sit in your office…
Starting Up Perfect Days featuring Phyllis PJ Johnson
Cokie's Blog, PodcastseFundYourHealth Founder Phyllis PJ Johnson joins me on this edition of the Perfect Day Podcast to share all about her startup and…
How to Say “Hell Yes!” to More Perfect Days
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsWhen others ask, “how are you?” – is your response always “busy!”? Stacey Pierce and Julie Weldon of OME Gear are busy…….
Why Every Perfect Day Begins in Gratitude with Capt. Jamie Hough
Cokie's Blog, Podcasts“Don’t ask someone if they need help, just go do something.” Capt. Jamie Hough, The Chef Redneck and Fisherman with Redfish Mafia joins the…
How a Positive Company Culture makes a Perfect Day for Everyone
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsPaul Heinauer, Founder/Owner and President of Glasspro, joins me on this edition of the #PerfectDay Podcast to talk about company culture, faith,…
How to Design Your Digital Brand with Kim Alexander of Garden & Gun
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsGarden & Gun Magazine Digital Director, Kim Alexander joins me for this edition of the #PerfectDay Podcast to talk authenticity, digital media and…
Baking Up Perfect Days with Kristin Cobb
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsGetting started is more important than perfection. In fact, the pursuit of perfection is the enemy of progress! Kristin Cobb, Owner and…
Buy it, trade it, bury it on Everest. Perfect Day dives deep in Crypto-crazy.
Cokie's BlogConfused about Crypto? Even those who claim to ’get’ cryptocurrencies are confused—-whether they know it or not. Don’t tell me that burying…
Love, Loss, and the Search for Perfect Days
Cokie's BlogThe messiness and fragile nature of life is not lost on me—Me, the Perfect Day crusader. Having a life built on a…
Get a Job! And Go Dancing with Anita Zucker
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsAnita Zucker, CEO and Chair of The InterTech Group, philanthropist and all around incredible woman joins me on the #PerfectDay Podcast to…
Overcoming Hardships to Build Perfect Days with Jessica Schmidlapp
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsAfter losing her husband at the age of 42, Jessica Schmidlapp and her twelve-year-old daughter still had a life to live. Now…
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Perfect Days with Adaire Pennington
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsAdaire Pennington, Owner of Fix Blow Dry and Color Bar in Augusta, Georgia was suffering from a bad case of LDD (Lifestyle…
The Perfect Dog Days of Summer–Connect the Dots.
Cokie's BlogWebster defines “dog days” as the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs…
How to See Opportunity in Everything with Richard Davis
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsRichard Davis, Founder of Trademark Properties and creator of TV show, ‘Flip This House’ joins me on the #PerfectDay podcast to talk…
Why Focusing on What’s Important is the LDD Cure with Amy Balog
Cokie's Blog, Podcasts“I have to live what I teach.” ConnextionPoint Founder, Amy Balog knows the importance of clean energy. In this podcast, Amy shares…
Biscuits, Family Cooking and Perfect Days with Carrie Morey
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsFor Callie’s Charleston Biscuits Founder, Carrie Morey, Perfect Days are all about spending more time with family. So how does she get…
More Energy for More Perfect Days with Anthony Flynn
Cokie's Blog, Podcasts“We don’t have a time management problem, we have an energy management problem.” Such an insightful quote from podcast guest, Anthony Flynn,…
The Power of Gratitude and Family in Business with Rhett Ramsay Outten
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsHow has this family-owned jewelry store stayed in business for over 100 years? Gratitude. Rhett Ramsay Outten Principal/Owner with Croghan’s Jewel Box joins…
For More Perfect Days, Choose Goodness with Tommy Breedlove
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsTommy Breedlove is a self-proclaimed “lucky one.” He came out on the other side of his ER Moment and turned his life…
October 2016 was a pivotal time for you and for me. And, yes for markets.
Cokie's BlogIn the wake of the Flash Crash and Chinese Currency Devaluation in the Fall of 2015 followed Q1 2016’s precarious teeter-tottering of…
How Clear Communication and Vulnerability Lead to Perfect Days with Brandon Smith
Cokie's Blog, Podcasts“When we’re clear, we’re more efficient, effective and we don’t have to guess.” True words from my guest Brandon Smith, The Workplace…
A Perfectly Practical First Step to Essentialism
Cokie's BlogRecently, I shared my story of dramatic essentialism (by choice) during my vacation to the Turks and Caicos Islands. While this may…
There is Nothing Good About Good Friday
Cokie's BlogWhy call it good? This page has been written I’m sure, but not by me. The market is closed on Good Friday:…
The Mindset of Essentialism: Go BIG
Cokie's BlogRecently, I found myself in a precarious, yet enlightening, travel situation resulting in having no place to stay due to a sold…
Bottle Caps and Perfect Days: How Artist, Molly B. Right Crafts a Perfect Day
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsCreativity and following your passion have no sense of time. So how does phenomenal Charleston Artist, Molly B. Right get it all…
Got EQ? Be thankful you do!
Cokie's BlogWe’re all aware from Emotional Intelligence that Intellectual Quotient is much different. Stop and think about it: are you book-smart but not…
The ER Moment that Inspired DIG SOUTH with CEO Stanfield Gray
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsER Moments (or as DIG SOUTH CEO, Stanfield Gray calls his “ah-ha/oh shit” moments) stop us in our tracks. They make us…
The Numbers Matter – Engage!
Cokie's BlogAccording to the latest studies by Gallup, over 80% of the world’s leaders and employees are disengaged at work. If they are…
Making the Shift To Your Perfect Day with Pat Eardley
Cokie's Blog, PodcastsGrateful to have Pat Eardley, Founder of Shift HR join me for the inaugural edition of The Perfect Day Podcast! We talk…
Stuck? Get Ready for Transformation
Cokie's BlogAlready falling down on your 2018 goals? Did you avoid establishing resolutions altogether and find you are in a rut? Millions of…
New Year’s Resolutions – My Advice, DON’T Do ‘Em
Cokie's BlogHuh? That’s right. New Year’s Resolutions are for losers. Excellence is your standard (it is, right?), so why be among the 44%…
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