Are you a quitter? 2 weeks ago one of my favorite Perfect Day devotees quit. 

“I’m not retiring. I’m quitting,” she said boldly with a smirk and some fervor. And it struck me how often it is with entrepreneurs that they won’t quit; they ride the biz curve up, up, up and then down, down, down. Too afraid of losing one’s identity as a founder or owner or someone having grown an idea into a success and no longer having the trappings—and joys of the day to day to occupy oneself. 

She QUIT. Quitting means a hard stop. Making a conscious choice to walk. It also embodies future opportunities to do MORE. Right? Ms. Quitter–I’m gonna call her “Blondie”–that’s with a tad of envy from this redhead. You see, Blondie is wise and understands the essence of what Perfect Days are about.


The Sine Curve is an interesting metaphor for life cycles and career paths. It represents the natural ebb and flow of successes and challenges that we all experience in our personal lives, careers, and businesses. By understanding where we are on this curve, we can better prepare ourselves to embrace change and seize new opportunities when they arise.

Quitting is often seen as a negative term, but it doesn’t have to be. In the context of life cycles and career paths, quitting can actually mean making room for new challenges and goals that will lead us towards greater success and fulfillment. It’s about recognizing when something isn’t working anymore or no longer aligns with our values and aspirations, and having the courage to make a change.

As business owners, we need to be adaptable and resilient in order to navigate tough economic times. By embracing the power of quitting and understanding how life cycles work, we can create stronger and more vibrant businesses that are better equipped to weather any storm. This mindset empowers us to help others succeed as well, creating a ripple effect of positive change throughout our communities.

A common mistake I’ve seen with owners is ignoring the “Curve” and exiting too late and allowing the business to decline. Owners must be proactive in planning for their eventual exit or transition. By recognizing the sine wave pattern of a business’s life cycle, they can identify growth periods and capitalize on them while also preparing for potential declines. This may involve developing succession plans, grooming future leaders within the organization, or seeking strategic partnerships to ensure long-term stability and growth.

To thrive in this fast paced technological era we must be adaptable, forward-thinking, and able to see opportunities for growth from a broader perspective. By embracing the wisdom gained throughout our careers and entrepreneurial journeys and fostering connections with other businesses or mentors, we can navigate the Sine Curve and capitalize on the growth periods while minimizing the impact of decline phases. 

So let’s celebrate the power of quitting – not as giving up, but as making room for new opportunities! As someone who wants to help others succeed in their personal lives, careers and businesses, I invite you to join me in sharing this perspective with others that are likewise committed to a freedom from uphill struggles in life, and to one of realizing more perfect days, in and out of the workplace. Because we’re not afraid of hills and hard work, we simply need to know what and where the finish line is. Let’s empower each other to embrace the power of quitting and keep pushing forward towards growth and success.

Where are you on your Sine Curve? Grab a 15 minute consult here, and let’s decide if it’s time to Quit.

Tune in for Episode 2 of Quitters WIN for Blondie’s raw and inspiring journey to QUIT.