I hope that many of you remember what 411 is all about! Recap: it’s about doing FOUR things before 11 am each day that carry the potential to change how you go through your day and really your life!
Be Grateful, Give to Others. If you can, give a gift this year that means something and is not just an item that you pull off a shelf. Most of us can purchase most of what we need and want. But the smallest of gifts, given with thought usually has the greatest impact.
Be Invested: Take Stock of Where You are Financially. This one is particularly useful at this time of the year when we are all tempted to overspend. This is the time of the year when I begin to do an inventory of my financial spending—what is necessary and what is not! It is easy to sign up for monthly withdrawals on things like on-line movies that are never watched. Check your credit card statements and see what you can trim down!
Be Consistent: Keep Your Core Strong. It’s your center, your focus, your heart. If your Core is weak, your life will wobble. Having a strong Core is essential to leading a life of worth and value. You know your Core is strong when you have margin for others—those you love and those who have given so much to you. Having a strong Core that is balanced leads to peace and a meaningful holiday season. The gift of love that you can give to those on your Christmas list is more valuable than anything else.
Be Committed: Experience Life. I decided a few years ago that I would live life fully and in doing so, I would make my life count. Though my experience has motivated me to climb five of the seven tallest mountains in the world (I will peak bag the final two in time), the greatest experience that life holds for me is being with my family. The love of my daughters, husband, and parents far outweighs any mountain top that I have reached. The summit of my life is the love of my family.
But I want to take this a step further and give you some basic tips about how to navigate the holidays this year with joy and tangle free moments.
All You Need for a New Year!
- Communicate with friends and family members before the big day! Miscommunication is really the root of holiday problems. Be willing to bend but also be honest with your limitations and abilities. Communicate your desires in a way that can be well-received. On top of this, be the first person to accept the limitations of others. Blended family may need every Perfect Day tool in the Toolbox, but you can do this! You can navigate the holidays with joy and kindness.
- Convey gratitude Be grateful for what you have right now and what you will be able to have in the future. This is not about adding a new piece of jewelry to your life. It’s about adding quality time with those you love. Anyone can give a material gift, but few can give the gift of time spent together. Having an attitude of gratitude is such a strong part of Perfect Day living. Learn to say thank you, you did a great job, I appreciate you, and I am so thankful you are a part of my company, family, or life! Over the past few years, I have learned to have gratitude for my friends and those who work alongside me. Because my schedule is often full to the rim, I have found myself saying thank you so often but not because I must do this. Gratitude wells up inside of me and my thank you is sincere. I know that I can do a lot of things in this life but doing life without the many “you-s” beside me would be very lonely! So, thank you to all who read this blog. I value you more than words can express.
- Take time for yourself! This is far from selfish, and I really don’t need to travel beyond this one sentence to make my point. But I will embellish: if you don’t take time for you, you will lose your drive, your passion, and your desire and strength to reach even the smallest of your goals. Each one of us needs time to reflect, recharge, and just do nothing other than be kind to “us.” I don’t know how this looks to you but for me, I can recharge on my farm, with my thoughts, or simply sitting beside the pasture holding my husband’s hand. Your Core needs you! Step away from the worries of this day. Turn the TV OFF. Close the laptop and put the iPad in the drawer and then . . . breathe deep.
- Practice the art of Joy I know you probably thought this list would include “to-do’s” that are centered on more material goals to reach. No chance! We are of no earthly good if we are burned-out and frustrated. One of the ways I derail deflecting thoughts is by writing down my heart-felt joys. I practice Joy every day because we live in a world that contains “joy-stealers.” Light candles! Don’t be the person who blows any out! Be lights in this darkened world and you will see the difference this makes in all you do this Holiday season!
Everyone’s Perfect Day is very personal—I can’t tell what yours entails, but I can tell you that an integral component of any Perfect Day is personal and professional growth, in tandem with gratitude.
There’s a Solution that Works
So, how do you craft a day that is “perfectly okay” even when all around you seems to be way off course? By being brave and taking a step back. A pattern interrupted. A commitment to something different. A deeper love of self for the benefit of all around you–even your staff, clients and co-workers. Setting your eyes on the prize of more Perfect Days begins with finding the places you need to grow and be willing to do the hard work. A bestie recently reminded me that the best things in life are hard. They are, AND they’re worth it.
Perfect Day is a concept that works. I would like to show you how it is done. Connect with me and let’s get started.
Download my book on Amazon, Perfect Day: A Guide to Curing Lifestyle Deficit Disorder and Reclaiming Your Business, Your Relationships, and Your Life. Or better, Let’s CONNECT: What will 15 minutes cost you? It’s free! Sign up here.
About The Author: Cokie Berenyi
Cokie Berenyi has been in financial services and serving the needs of individual and institutional clients and entrepreneurs since 1996. Mother, author, business owner, financial “samurai” and Perfect Day engineer, Cokie loves food, wine, travel, stray dogs, goat cheese, tennis, and alpine mountaineering.
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