You can imagine how thinking about altitudes, heights, and risks taken for the sake of knowledge gained, is very interesting to me, especially since I’m in full swing with training to climb Mt. Everest in May.
I’m climbing to raise money for cancer research, and I want to invite each one of you to join me on this journey.
But while I’m training to climb Mt. Everest, I’m also working for and with my clients—many who have what they perceive are mountains in their lives as tall as Everest.
I recently saw the movie Aeronauts and while some of it was a stretch to believe—simply due to Hollywood’s portrayal of the story—it’s a worthwhile movie to watch.
What is the take-away that you can use in your own life? It is wrapped up in a powerful quote from the movie and it was made by the lead character Amelia Wren: “We took to the skies in the name of discovery to find something new—to change the world. But you don’t change the world simply by looking at it—you change it by the way you choose to live in it.”
Are you ready to change your world by the way you live in it in 2020 and beyond? I want to challenge you to 411 your way further in 2020 by ignoring the resolution style of living.
Put away the idea and notion that we need to control the chaos (of science, finance, the world, and the election) and simply see the beauty that’s here—right now— for the taking.
Now, we have the insight to control our finances with wisdom and caution. Learning to budget correctly and manage your money. The stock market is an extremely important part of life, but it’s not the essence of life. The very essence of life is based on relationships. That is where it all began and where one day it will end.
Decide what meaningful changes you want to make in 2020 concerning the time you spend with loved ones, your money, the way you contribute to others, how you experience life, your core values, and do it!
You don’t have to leave your job to do this—but you can find new ways to add value to your life today.
Einstein wrote: “Try not to become a [person] of success, but a [person] of value. Look around at how people want to get more out of life than they put in. A [person] of value will give more than [you receive]. Be creative, but make sure that what you create is not a curse for mankind.”
Recently, a retired doctor stepped out of her comfort zone by traveling to Africa. She saw poverty, homelessness beyond anything she had seen before, and sickness that she was helpless to heal . . . at that moment. She vowed that she would return, and “change” would be a part of her new plan.
I believe the difference is “connecting” with your values and writing your “perfect today.” Don’t wait until next week or next month! You will risk losing the vision. We have all heard our grandparents say, “Strike while the iron is hot.” And there is truth to this statement.
My Perfect Day webinar and 15 minute consult are free and they are “iron hot.” They provide CLEARER VISION and more buy-in to your goals as you go through this year.
They also will prevent you from chasing a false metric. Right now, the idea of me being a size 6 just for the sake of being thinner than the next person is not a meaningful metric!
For me, there’s value, enriching experiences in family meals and entertaining friends around my dining table. So, being a size 8 or more, instead of seeking to look good in a bikini two times a year, means so much more!
So, as you begin this year, ask yourself if your metrics, goals, and budget will work for you? Will they take you where you want to go in 2020?
January is almost over, but it’s never too late to begin, so let’s start together. With some basic stepping stones in place.
First, let go of the need to set resolutions and set goals that are not based on solid evidence and ability.
Second, discover the right metrics for your life. Choose one that will motivate you to do the right things that you otherwise would not do—like saving more, spending less, thinking smarter, and bravely tackling life by trying a new adventure. Being financially secure is a great adventure and one that you want to be on.
Third ‚ create a financial plan. If you don’t have one, you need one. What you focus on expands—I repeat, what you focus on expands. A budget helps you figure out your goals and work toward them.
It prevents you from drifting through life and tossing money away. It forces you to map out your goals, save money, and keep track of your finances. All of this means you will see your dreams become a reality.
So, my word to you is this: Take charge of your life in 2020 with your money. Make your plan expand for YOU. Take a moment and set up a free 15 minute consult with me, and let’s make a plan for your future—not just in 2020 but for the rest of your life!
Track me down for a free 15 minute consult and let’s make a plan to change the way you live in your world of finance.
About The Author: Cokie Berenyi
Cokie Berenyi has been in financial services and serving the needs of individual and institutional clients and entrepreneurs since 1996. Mother, author, business owner, financial “samurai” and Perfect Day engineer, Cokie loves food, wine, travel, stray dogs, goat cheese, tennis, and alpine mountaineering.
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