A P’p’ppppuh-perfectly imperfect 411LIVE:
Be the Boss of your brain, gut and wallet (your portfolio, even!). Tell your future self how great today is-and let your 80 year old self chime in and share how half full the glass really is with a BIG PS: Perfectionism is a joyless trap.
Choose imperfection. Email me for the whole story (from the Introduction of Perfect Day) of no recess for a 7 year old and how 11 years later the lesson lives on! We’ll send you a signed copy of Perfect Day. Or download the book for FREE!
Lastly, be like Addie; add some connection with a killer impactful process to your 411 process this week…end the not-connecting-Groundhog-Day -oop and be like Addie. Who will it be? Who will get a piece of you?
How I spent my Money/“What Investors Need to Know. NOW (WINK)” (Financial):
Financial: Think and Grow Rich (T&GR) Bookclub-The power of Autosuggestion-the 3rd step in attaining “riches.” + Truebill; be the boss of your recurring charges and subscriptions and MORE!
The T&GR Autosuggestion chapter was ROUGH. Dry. And, well, a bit deep and boring. Bottom line: Skip to the below Core/Wellness section, and write a letter to your future self; What (do you want to be true) “IS” true about your finances? Your retirement plan? Your 401k? Do you have an advisor or are you successfully managing your finances, and investments on your own? What is your future self grateful is true? Write it. Read it daily. TWICE. Don’t do or be around anything that willl influence you otherwise. WRITE IT. READ IT. Twice.
There’s MORE! I loaded the TrueBill app last week and have sliced embarrassingly over $2500 in recurring fees and charges and expenses that needed to be refunded and cancelled. YES. Felt awesome. Now I get notifications when the kids think they’re charging more to my Netflix account or when spending is higher than average.
Be the Boss of your finances! I agree Truebill: “Managing money can be hard. Don’t do it alone. Truebill empowers you to save more, spend less, see everything, and take back control of your financial life.”https://www.truebill.com/
What occupied my FREE time (Core/Wellness): Write a letter to yourself or to some that deserves a connect. Make sure you drop the perfectionism! Just do it. Now…
Annette Smith, the author of ‘Bucket List Adventures’ encourages her blog subscribers to write a letter to your future self. In her how’s and why’s, she offers,
“Dear me, I am writing this letter to remind you of the most important things. Essential plans: to fold the best in the world paper airplane, jump in the puddles, run up the down escalator, kiss a prince…” This is a part of a letter that a seven-year-old Margarette sent to her future self. Now she’s a successful businesswoman in her early forties. She is not happily jumping in puddles of water, because there is not a minute in her schedule that is not planned.
Think about how powerful it might have been when she read this letter back to her future self. It could be a reminder of who she was versus who she wanted to be. It would be a little kick in the butt to make sure that she was heading in that direction and in order to limit life’s biggest regrets.
Is there anything you want to always remember? Why would you write a letter to your future self? Does it seem silly and childish? Actually, this exercise can bring much value to your life—I know it did for myself. And that’s why writing a letter to your future self is a great bucket list idea.
So, what’ll will be in your letter to yourself? Be the boss of no regrets!
What I’m excited about (Experience):
Get your brain where you want it; Be the Boss of your Gut. Because all Perfect Days are about clarity! I’m one week in on a 21-Gut Reset. Because who doesn’t want more clarity in their days?! It’s been pretty simple—but trust me, there is so much data and research that supports so many different approaches. This particular reset, I chose because of the simplicity and focus on GUT versus, say weight-loss. Plus, a big part of this reset focuses on 7 Must Eats, limiting animal protein, more water and dailly Intermittent Fasting (I’ve always been a fan….). Finally, you’ve seen my former posts about this great facility in Mt. Pleasant, SC, Syncronicity—Lauren Zimmerman, the dietician who is facilitating the program is local is affiliated with Syncronicity–check it out!
The 4th of the 4-1-1’s and the holy grail of ALL Perfect Days…
What Inspired Me (Contribution):
411 LIVE mostly promoted the Gourmet and Grapes auction which is now over, HOWEVER, there’s always time to “FUND A CURE.” BID! Hollings Cancer Center and the COVID grounded 2022 Gorunet & Grapes fundraiser could really use your support. Guess what? Every dollar is doubled up to $50,000, thanks to First Horizon Bank. THANK YOU–First Horizon, and Perfect Day’ers for funding a cure!
Missed 411 LIVE on Monday at 12pm? Replay HERE.
PS: Those who get me..GET ME.
Be the boss of THAT. And, when all else fails, remember: Love is still the boss of us.
Alas–I’m gonna press PAUSE on 411 LIVE broadcasts and emails for a re-work and upgrade.
What do you like?
What should we skip? Let me know with a quick LIVE connect or email me.
THANKS—I’m still here…just a pause on 411 LIVE until the whole she-bang is more, well—perfectly imperfect. Until then…Sending you many Perfect Days!
About The Author: Cokie Berenyi
Cokie Berenyi has been in financial services and serving the needs of individual and institutional clients and entrepreneurs since 1996. Mother, author, business owner, financial “samurai” and Perfect Day engineer, Cokie loves food, wine, travel, stray dogs, goat cheese, tennis, and alpine mountaineering.
More posts by Cokie Berenyi