The messiness and fragile nature of life is not lost on me—Me, the Perfect Day crusader.
Having a life built on a foundation of living each day as if it were our last has helped me witness, experience, persevere, and at times live on the fringe edge of love and loss. The kick ass by-product of all of this is more Perfect Days in my life. Prepping for the worst has given me my best . . . days, moments, deepest love, and the greatest of losses.
Recently, however, I became acutely aware that loss is something that will, in fact, deny one a Perfect Day. I’ve loved embracing the truth that Perfect Days are achievable every single day, despite the messiness of life, but I now know this is not always truth. Loss, loss of life and love kills a Perfect Day. Writing those words kills me—my mojo. That stark reality hit me hard.
I’m the Perfect Day Ambassador, remember, I encourage myself. NOPE, it’s no longer true. The loss of a spouse, in 10-quick seconds, to a raging river; the death of a heroic, life-saving athlete to a flight of stairs; the untimely suicide of an inspirational public figure; the death of an 11-year old to a drunk driver, or a mother to cancer—has taught me to understand that days like these are not very Perfect.
But you know by now that no Perfect Day is ruled by perfection. Not one, ZIP. Tragic days, well these are in an outlier category that you need to train for your entire life. Yes, train for tragedy—exercise the muscles in your heart and soul that produce a life-lens of fragility and impermanence.
It won’t help you produce a Perfect Day if or when you experience loss, but you’ll book more Perfect Days along the way. You will understand better how to rebound.
The Perfect Day mindset, that set of glasses we “don” with lenses of gratitude and not taking days and moments for granted, is a honed skill that no employer or classroom is seeking or teaching.
When you depart this earth—when your last day comes—will you leave a life with no regrets and a sense of readiness? Try this exercise on for size: replace your daily 100 sit-ups with THAT exercise (or do them together!) and sit back and let the Perfect Days flow.
The best Perfect Days are CREATED, not experienced. Create Perfect Days by picking up and putting on that set of glasses that may be dusty on the shelf. Set the intention of a Perfect Day; love and loss are certain—creating a Perfect Day, well only you can guarantee yourself that!
About The Author: Cokie Berenyi
Cokie Berenyi has been in financial services and serving the needs of individual and institutional clients and entrepreneurs since 1996. Mother, author, business owner, financial “samurai” and Perfect Day engineer, Cokie loves food, wine, travel, stray dogs, goat cheese, tennis, and alpine mountaineering.
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