Here’s this week’s 4 of 4-1-1 for more Perfect Days:
How I spent my Money/“What Investors Need to Know. NOW (WINK)” (Financial):
Lots of dollars invested recently on (more) travel and (more) concert tickets—YES, because WE CAN. Have you already taken that for granted? It wasn’t long ago that we couldn’t go anywhere or do anything in a crowd…do you need “Punxsutawney Phil” to schedule your next outing—to decide if its going to be a long winter? Get on it, shadow or NOT.
End the ho-hum time and money loop.What’s your jam? Dinner out? A walk on the beach? Being in the TSA pre-check line (just applied/paid for Global Entry in an effort to be positive about foreign travel)?
Or is the investment-market-loop THE loop you you need to put an end to? Disconnected from your investment plan and/or feel tired of “Big Brokerage” and Wall Street’s games? 20 consults FREE each week to help you stop the excessive fees and underperformance “Groundhog Day” with your hard earned investments. Today’s markets require an active, disciplined investment strategy. THAT’s what investors need to know. NOW.
PS: Grab a copy of Think and grow Rich (T&GR) —and let’s…Think and grow rich. We’re one-month in with the “T&GR bookclub”—drinking in that “growing rich” is more than financial riches. We’ve talked Desire and Faith—the starting point, according to author, Napoleon Hill, to attaining true wealth. That’s worth your time and money. Grab some Desire (T&GR/Ch 1) and a little Faith (Ch 2) that investing in XXXXX (fill in the blank) wont ruin you financially. Be like Phil (aka Groundhog Day TV Weatherman Phil Connors played by Bill Murray) and end the loop. Define your Purpose and have Faith that investing—-spending time and money on defining and living your Purpose is time and money well spent. REPLY here for bookclub details.
How I spent my time/wellness (Core):
Communicating. When markets get tough, I like to show up; emails, calls, reviews and consults. More emails, calls, and reviews. So, I overcommunicated last week…feels good. To connect. Soothe. Listen. Hear. Again, 20 consults FREE per week if you’re feeling you need to hear more or haven’t been communicated with about your accounts/investments.
Let’s shift….
Rita responds, “…career, love, marriage, children….” When’s the last time you or someone else asked you what you wanted out of life? Be Rita—answer the question. You may already have what you want in life. Either way, spending some time, communicating, authentically, with others and yourself about what you want or need can yield a decade of early Spring’s. See the shadow—BE SPRING.
What I’m excited about (Experience):
My new chopsaw. That’s right. Santa was good to me this year—and so were mountains! Let’s hope the saw is, too and I build things at the farm without losing any fingers. No Groundhog Day here—building things on my own is an entirely new gig for me. No contractors, no overpriced bills, nobody to blame for no creativity at the farm, now, but yours truly. And I AM excited. What should I build first? A goat podium for a 2023 Groundhog Day shadow ceremony (you know the groundhog isn’t how the whole she-bang started…right?), perhaps? Taking suggestions AND safety and engineering tips.
Are you excited for tomorrow or anticipating the same loop? Grab a dose of something new. Joy can be quite simple if you seek it. After all, Phil learned ice sculpting, how to play the piano and developed an appreciation for classical music in order to shake his loop. What’ll it be? Check out this list of 99–I highly endorse #59/Geocaching. Fun for all ages! See you in the hardware isle at Lowe’s!?
What inspired me (Contribution): Groundhog Day. AGAIN. Watch the movie-AGAIN. Connect on a deeper level with those that matter. Seek your Purpose. Find a new hobby. Above all, BE Goodness. Be like Phil.
Brought to you with hopes that this 411 framework helps bring you more money and more impact.
More perfect days.
About The Author: Cokie Berenyi
Cokie Berenyi has been in financial services and serving the needs of individual and institutional clients and entrepreneurs since 1996. Mother, author, business owner, financial “samurai” and Perfect Day engineer, Cokie loves food, wine, travel, stray dogs, goat cheese, tennis, and alpine mountaineering.
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