Huh? That’s right.

New Year’s Resolutions are for losers.

Excellence is your standard (it is, right?), so why be among the 44% of peeps who make resolutions and stick with them after 6 months?

According the the WSJ:

  • 60% of respondents to their study said they would be making New Years Resolutions,
  • Only 40% of them actually did,
  • And 44% of those ‘Resolution Makers’ stick to them 6 months in.

So kudos to the less than 18% that are still going to the gym and quit using the F word once and for all.

Recorded this on New Year's Eve during my recent climb up Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, inspired by an article in The Wall Street Journal. Only 44% of ‘Resolution Makers’ stick to them six months in. Tomorrow is Ditch Resolutions Day… I've got a blog coming out so stay tuned! Encouraging you to nix the grandiose “I want to loose 30 pounds” resolutions and instead, adopt a small resolution a day mentality. #PerfectDay

Posted by Cokie Berenyi on Tuesday, January 16, 2018


But you’re the 1-2% though, aren’t you?

So, resolve to celebrate Ditch Resolutions Day and nix the grandiose “I want to lose 30 pounds” and “revenues will be up 35% this year.”

Instead, adopt a “small resolution a day” mentality. What small but meaningful thing can you do TODAY to make it a Perfect Day?

What are the components of a perfect day for you?

For me, no day is perfect unless I go outside, meditate, work out, plan my day in advance, deliver a random act of kindness, kiss my girls… get it, the list is long!

Tomorrow may be raining cats and dogs, so the one or two things that make tomorrow Perfect will be different from today.

I set out for 1-3 things to make it perfect, and they are not grandiose like summiting Mt. Everest, but it may be making the call to Alpine Ascents International to book Denali. A stepping stone. Picking 1-3 stepping stones that, when cobbled together, make a clear path to you arriving at making 2018 your Perfect Year.

Need a scarecrow or a tin-man to nudge you along the right path this year?

Without the neon yellow brick road, illuminating the TRUE path to your next Perfect Day, Month or Year, it’s easy to be wooed by shiny baubles. Only the things you choose to do that are aligned with your values and long term aspirations will get you to the right destination.

THIS is the tough stuff: what do you really, really want? What is really aligned with your true self and the fabric of who you are?

I would be honored to show you the way to your customized yellow brick road of perfect days.