As I thought about what Perfect Day message others needed from me today, I was driving to work in my 1984 Jeep Wagoneer. I have been restoring “her” for two years.
Well, let’s say, “I have been funding its restoration for that long.” That’s a more accurate depiction.
As people roared past me, I felt no tinge of frustration. Usually, I would have been blasting down the roadway but looking down at the odometer, I realized I was going the speed limit and had no desire to go any faster! I’m ashamed to say that I’m a consistent speed limit breaker!
Back in high school, I was bestowed the nickname of “Mario (Andretti)”, and that title followed me into my college years. This morning, however, I’m thinking about how interesting life can be and how certain things can teach us to slow down and enjoy the moment.
It’s fun driving this car. My youngest nicknamed her “Mater.” Mater is vintage, Wagoneer “Colorado Red'” like a John’s Island to-mater.
When days around are less than Perfect Day, how do we find more of them? It could be as easy as a change of routine, not a lavish vacation.
My youngest daughter Jackie, who has always been an old soul, wanted a fixer-upper classic car for her 16th birthday, so I thought it would be fun to buy this Wagoneer for $13,000 and have a project for us to work on together. It’s a head-turner of a car and each time I catch someone taking a long look at her, both on-looker and I smile. Those moments make Perfect Days, for me. Simply changing the car I take to work.
What small changes can you make that promise to usher in more Perfect Days? Are you keeping pace with a “slower” drive or are you speeding so fast that all you can hope to do is catch a few views in the rear view mirror?
I’m going to be honest that while these projects didn’t exactly have the intended consequences or end-results I set out for, they added a much-needed connection with those I love most, and, she makes me slow down. Never did I imagine i was buying this vehicle to be more present. Now an empty nester with my girls away at college, my heart and life is richer because we endeavored to do these projects together when we together. We had to step away from the madness and slow down to create the moments and, now, the evergreen smiles.
There’s No Bluetooth in times of Peace
Driving “Mater” down one of our low-country roads with the radio blaring makes us smile. Simple thoughts. Simple pleasures and simply perfect moments.
These days, I am forever understanding that unintended consequences can be beautiful things.
So, it’s a Monday morning. I would typically have my hair on fire—busting to get to a meeting as we go through a very busy season at work in Mach 10 style. Yet, today, I’m the slowest one on the road. And oh, by the way, “Mater” does have Bluetooth, but I rarely use it. She’s enough. With an added smile here and there as I think of the intended consequence of my baby girl riding off into the sunset in this beauty, and yet she’s mine-oh mine.
I don’t have my Sirius installed and CNBC isn’t yapping in my ear this morning–Thank you, “Mater”, for helping me quiet the noise and slow down today!
How often does your life, your business, intrude on your free time–take a front seat versus a back one? Are you sacrificing your lifestyle because you are worried you won’t have enough for the future? Driving fast might well be a great analogy for cutting a future short. Is it time to hit the “reset button” There’s one inside all of us. As a recovering LDD-er, myself, and as someone who’s helped others cure their own Lifestyle Deficit Disorder (LDD), I can relate to what you’re going through. There is a way out! LDD’ers unite–I’m slipping a bit myself lately–I’m prescribing more days with Mater ahead! So–what’ll be for you?
Sign up for a free consult, lets chart a new path. Let’s get on the road to having more Perfect Days.
About The Author: Cokie Berenyi
Cokie Berenyi has been in financial services and serving the needs of individual and institutional clients and entrepreneurs since 1996. Mother, author, business owner, financial “samurai” and Perfect Day engineer, Cokie loves food, wine, travel, stray dogs, goat cheese, tennis, and alpine mountaineering.
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